Friday, 17 May 2024, 1:01 PM
Site: Ambitious Primary Care Learning
Course: Graduate Practice Diploma in Web3 (Grad. Dip. Web3)
Glossary: Glossary of Web3 Terms


Play to Earn

 Video games and virtual worlds that gamers play for crypto token rewards. Some games require an investment in tokens or NFTs, while others allow people to earn crypto by playing.


Profile Pic

A pic that represents you in social media icons.


Proof Of Attendance Protocol are ERC-721 tokens that are used to give attendees a way to prove their record of life experiences. Think of this as the lanyard you take home from a conference, but recorded on the blockchain.

We want you to imagine a time when you got something really special and wanted to show it off to your friends. It may have been specific playing cards or video games, but the object granted you bragging rights.

How do you pronounce POAP? 

General consensus is to pronounce it as Po-app (not "pope"). 


think about it, dream about it.

It is a treasury management software, a decentralised application (dApp).

The site is here

A similar software is like gnosis safe.

Positive Externalities

Benefits the wider community or society.