Welcome to the BanklessDAO Education Guild. Click here first!
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"Hello friends, and welcome to the education guild--where we produce educational media content. Feel free to drop by our start-here channel to get the what's-what's and go ahead, and say hello in one of our other channels. Thanks for stopping by! And as always stay educated!" - Liquidiot, AV Guild Coordinator
"Welcome everyone to the education guild, my name is Angyts. At the education guild, we produce education media. #EducationGuildStrong" - Angyts, Education Guild, Season 2 Talent Coordinator Workgroup Champion
"Hello! My name is Manuel and I would like to welcome you to the education guild. Whether you're interested in learning or educating, we have a lot of ways to get you involved and I am excited to have you here. You can start by reviewing all of our channels, our notion pages and feel free to jump in whenever you're ready. I'll see you around!" -ManuelMaccou
"GM friends, welcome to BanklessDAO's education guild. We are the education guild. Try to produce as much education content as we can. And if you have any inquires or are feel lost feel free to reach out to me. This is the Psych Guy signing off." - The Psych Guy, Education Guild, Season 3 Talent Coordinator Workgroup Champion
"Hello there! This is Asturias from the Admin Workgroup. If you're passionate about education and love to support us, in one way or another, let's Vibe! And I'll see you at the Guild!" - Asturias, Education Guild, Season 3 Admin Workgroup Champion